Security alarm system
Modern security alarm system is designed to detect the fact of unauthorized entry to the protected area, including the surrounding territories, and issue an alert message. The alarm system makes possible the implementation of day-and-night control of any object, irrespective of its size.
Since 1993, we install burglar alarm systems at the sites of various purposes: office buildings, factories, warehouses, banks, etc.
Based on the construction site inspection, analysis of initial data, customer requirements and regulatory requirements following is determined:
- system type(wired/wireless)
- amount and type of equipment(acoustic sensors, vibration sensors, magnetic sensor etc.)
The range of work that we offer includes:
- modernization of the existing system;
- design and installation of security alarm systems
- equipment selection and supply
- commissioning works
- system connection to the control system of duty personnel/security company
- instruction
- new or existing security alarm system service